Our Story
Nursing is so much more than a profession. Nursing is a way of life. Being a nurse defines us.
At 5,000,000 strong, we are the largest and most trusted profession in the world. As nurses, we work our asses off day after day, forgotten to most of the world . . . until one day. One day, everyone in the world will have their lives touched by a nurse. At the darkest, loneliest, scariest moment of life, a nurse will be there to comfort and care.
We take pride in being nurses!
The Nurse Shop is about that pride. We want the world to know that we are nurses. We want to be damn good nurses.
Hi, my name is Jon Haws, RN. I became a nurse in 2013 just after my 30th birthday. I've worked in the Neuro ICU, as a preceptor, educator, charge nurse, and code team nurse.
In 2014, I founded NRSNG.com in an effort to create change in nursing education. That journey has introduced me to the most incredible nurses and nursing students all over the globe. In 2018, we launched The Nurse Shop as a place for nurses to find the best tools and confidence to help them in their daily life as nurses.
We promise you a few things here at The Nurse Shop:
- Incredible support
- The best tools for nurses
- Community
Happy Nursing!
-Jon Haws RN